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Bachelor’s Degrees

Bellevue University career-relevant bachelor's degrees build your success in three ways:

  1. Professional Networking
    When you enroll, you join a group of motivated professionals like you; people on the same degree track who go through the entire program course-by-course with you. You share experiences and perspectives with them — and you form professional bonds.
  2. Success Prep
    The foundation of these degrees is a course that gives you essential skills for academic and professional success.
  3. Career Growth
    Professionals in the industry support our design and development of our degree majors, so they stay current and relevant to career growth.

Your Experience Counts

Bellevue University welcomes the college-level learning you already have and will count it toward your degree. Take advantage of the credits you have. Save time and money.

Have an associate's degree?

from an accredited community college or university?

Apply them to your bachelor's degree with our help!

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